Ok, last week I tried to switch my OpenSUSE system to use sudo rather than su for running things like YaST as root. This works relatively well, apart from the fact that I am not able to run X11 programs. My first guess was to edit the sudoers file so that the $DISPLAY does not get reset. So when I would do something like this:
Month: November 2009
sudo vs su
Today I updated my home machine, running OpenSUSE 11.1 at the moment (yeah, I know 11.2 is out, but I always wait a couple of months, for the first round of updates to settle in). I got used so much to OS X’s and Ubuntu’s style of not having an explicit root user, that I wanted to emulate it in OpenSUSE. So, first thing is to edit the sudoers file:
$ su -c visudo
Then find these two lines and comment them out, and add the other line:
#Defaults targetpw
youruser ALL = (ALL) ALL
This will enable your user called youruser to run any program as the root user (actually any user), only needing his own password. You can of course make this more fine grained. You can allow this user only to run programs as a certain user, but that’s not the point here.
What’s now still missing is to disable interactive logins or rather the su command. Edit the file /etc/shadow and replace the root password with a *:
The encrypted password is always stored in the second field, delimited by the colons (“:”). One problem which I haven’t solved yet: I can run sudo /sbin/yast2 now, but that will only fire up the ncurses frontend of yast. I still need to find a way to run the Qt or gtk frontend. Well, this is for another post…
Google Analytics
Just added Google Analytics to my blog. Let’s see how that works out. In the past and on my other home, I had been using awstats, running on my own webserver.
VirtualBox Headless
Nice feature of VirtualBox:
Quick screenshots with Snow Leopard
Today I learned that you can get a full screenshot by pressing cmd-shift-3, and a screenshot of a selected portion of the screen by cmd-shift-4. The files will be put on the desktop, and they will be in PNG format! Until now I’ve used the screenshot utility, which only produces TIFF files, and is more clunky to use. Hooray!
How to set up git email notifications
This is not very well documented in the git user manual. Here is what I did:
Go to your central repository, not your working copy. There, change to the hooks directory:
cd /path/to/yourproject/hooks
cp post-receive.sample post-receive
git config hooks.mailinglist “email1@bla.com, email2@bla.com”
git config hooks.envelopesender yourname@informatik.rwth-aachen.de
git config hooks.emailprefix “New commit: “
Also you should give your project a name:
$EDITOR /path/to/yourproject/description
Hello World
…yes, now also blogging. My reason: Collect all the information that I think is useful to others at one spot.